Gemma Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees

Gemma Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees - aka Emma

Daughter of Lacy Manie Mr. Armani & Diamanda Jolie Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fees.

Emma is my beloved princess. Emma is an extremely loving dog. She has the most irresistible facial expression with the black nose and the big beautiful eyes.

She has a very powerful and big fur, and she looks like a real teddy bear.

When we meet people on the streets they always guess that she is a puppy because of that wonderful facial expression of hers.

She is a true kisser – she loves to come up to me and kiss. She loves to stay in our garden both summer and winter. Often she lies underneath ouer apple trees and enjoys the wind and the weather.

She enjoys collecting stuff. She collects both sticks and teddy bears. Sometimes she gathers big piles, which she places underneath the apple tree.


Born: 23.05.2011

Healt informations:

Patella luxation 0/0

CMR – clear

Eyetested without notice


Pilgaards Coton
Dorthe Pilgaard
Forsythiavej 47, 6740 Bramming
Phone : +45 29 20 20 53
